Pregnancy And Alcohol: Why Is It Dangerous For Pregnant Women?

If you are pregnant or planning to be, you must be aware of drinking alcohol. Before getting into the topic we would suggest visiting a good Ultrasound Baby Scan Clinic to make sure the baby is growing perfectly fine in the womb. 

Alcohol consumption is dangerous for pregnant women. Any kind of alcohol consumption can bring dangerous outputs. Let’s discuss why it is dangerous. 

Zero Limits Of Alcohol Is Safer:

When you eat any food, it passes through the placenta to the baby via the umbilical cord, and your baby also takes the same food. With alcohol, there is also no difference. 

A small amount of alcohol can affect the baby’s brain, nervous system, eyes, and physical structure. If any pregnant woman continues to drink during their pregnancy, it will both affect the baby and mother at the same time. It will increase the chance of abnormal growth of the baby, miscarriage, mental and emotional disorders. 

After all, zero limits of alcohol is safe for you. 

Now, What Are The Effects Of Alcohol On The Unborn Baby? 

Not only it just affects the baby, but it affects also on the developing baby. 

1. Alcohol can develop Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder (FASD) in the fetus. 

2. FASD baby can be born with low birth weight, 

3. Problems develop in the heart, kidney, and brain. 

4. Damage the brain cells. 

5. Born with a small head. 

Psychological Disorders: 

1. Lower IQ level 

2. Learning disabilities 

3. Attention problem 

How Alcohol Effects On Mothers? 

Pregnant women also go through with various side-effects due to consumption of alcohol. It will higher the risk of- 

1. Miscarriage 

2. Stillbirth 

3. Premature birth 

4. Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI). Dangerous during pregnancy. 

5. High chances of breast cancer, liver and throat cancer. 

Psychological Problems: 

1. Depression and anxiety 

2. Domestic Violence 

3. Poor concentration 

4. Work disability 

Excess alcohol consumption not only harm your baby, even it puts harmful effects on you. A best Baby Scan Clinic can assure you, about your baby’s condition. 

There are many ways to get a recovery alcoholic situation. Try to quit immediately for a healthy born baby and seek professional help if you need. 


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