Will Would-Be-Moms In Aylesbury Watch Horror Films With A Bump?

Pregnancy means a massive transformation in your hobbies, interests, and favourite movie genre. Everyone loves an amazing blend of thrill and horror in their movies (at least I so much do!), but what if you are pregnant? Can you watch horror films during pregnancy? Well, there is no one answer to that question. It depends on how strong-hearted you are and how spooky the film is. Some people get scared after watching Grudge while I found that film not that scary. But, as per experts, it is best to avoid watching horror films when you have a little one inside your womb. It is again because of the pregnancy hormones that have made you more prone to stress and emotional outbursts. Upon that, some horror films are plainly gross, like Inside (2007) and Human Centipede 1 & 2 (such a pukey film series) which will remind you of your morning sickness and make you hug our toilet bowl. So, yeah, if you want your pregnancy to be cheery and peaceful, stay away from horror films! Well, it’s ...